Internal Dashboard for Executives

Time Frame: 2 weeks

Role: UX Designer

Method: Qualitative Usability Test


I created a high fidelity wireframe dashboard for executives based from our research results. Unfortunately, I am not able to share our full process that's why I can only share the high fidelity wireframe. 

This research aims to simplify the data being presented and to only show what is important to the user, who are the executives. Their previous dashboard displayed too many data, was very colorful and distracting, and were using ambiguous labels, which caused a lot of confusion and noise that is why we did a usability test of the dashboard, asked their day to day process, and other information like what do they need to see in certain times of day. We observed how they used the dashboard, what were they trying to look for, which data are important to them, etc. 

I made sure to only show the important information for the user to see at a glance, which was based from our usability test and qualitative interview.