Mara Maclang is currently the Head of Design at F(DEV), where she helps the company overcome product design challenges.

She's a self-taught front-end developer with over 10 years of user interface design experience, as she started to learn all of this at a very young age. She's passionate about creating meaningful and innovative design solutions for web and mobile. 

She has diverse experiences across several different industries like startup, e-commerce, education, event management, government agencies, bank, retail, real estate, and healthcare; plus products for B2B SaaS, with a broad understanding of the user experience.

My Design Process


Interview stakeholders to understand the goal and context of the project - What problem are they trying to solve?


Do contextual inquiries and/or in-depth user-interviews to understand user  behavior and motivations. Afterwhich, create a low-fidelity wireframe to gather user feedback.


After finalizing the user-flow and IA based from 'Discover', I then create a high-fidelity mockup or prototype to gather user feedback once again. Design may iterate depending on the results.


During the development phase, I ensure that all UI and user experience design recommendations have been implemented correctly.